Learn More About Laparoscopic Weight Loss Surgery

By Matthew Perry

Basically, losing some fat is one way of improving your life in many significant ways. As a matter, of fact, these benefits are both short-term and long-term. However, this benefits can only be achieved if adequate fats are is lost in order to return from being obese or overweight, to a range of a healthy body mass index. To achieve this you can use lifestyle change techniques or seek for a surgical procedure such as the laparoscopic weight loss surgery.

Usually, laparoscopic surgery is normally recommended for the severely overweight people. It involves the use of a specialized telescope to look at the stomach thereby allowing small abdominal incisions. Severe obesity is usually a serious stage of obesity, and an individual struggles with his or her weight. The person is held in a weight gain cycle whereby, even after trying various diets, the situation does not change but continues to increase.

For individuals having severe obesity at New York, various therapeutic approaches can be recommended and these may include low-calorie intake, medication, behavioral modification and exercise therapy. Nevertheless, in order to achieve long-lasting results, surgical interventions may be necessary. Severe obesity could result from a combination of genetic, psychosocial, cultural, social or environmental factors that cause a complex disorder affecting appetite regulation and energy metabolism.

Medical treatment is also applicable in curing severe obesity and overweight. Nonetheless, this might not be long lasting and effective solutions for patients suffering severe obesity. The medications will induce weight loss through reduced appetite. The disadvantage of medication use in the treatment of overweight is rapid gain of weight when medication is take out, where nearly all of the lost weights is gained again in five years of medication withdrawal. Medication treatment may also be made use of alongside low-calorie intake, behavior modification and increased physical activity.

Surgical treatments have been found to be effective in treating severe overweight. Most recognized operations are such as gastric banding, gastric bypass, and malabsorption procedures. In a laparoscopic gastric band, the surgeon uses a tiny camera to see the inside of the belly. Small incisions are made and a band is placed on the upper part of the stomach creating a small pouch on the upper part. As a result, the small pouch fills quickly and you feel full by just eating small food amounts.

Nevertheless, laparoscopic gastric should not be taken to be a quick fix for obesity. This is because you will be required to change your lifestyle greatly. You will be required to do exercises and you must diet. Failure to observe that, you may have poor weight loss or other complications.

Alternatively, patients taken through this surgery should not be taking illegal drugs or alcohol but be mentally stable. The procedure carries a number of risks including poor nutrition, slip of gastric-band out of position, erosion of the stomach gastric that needs removal if it occurs.

After the surgical procedure, you may be allowed to go home the same day of surgery, but you can as well stay overnight. Some people can begin their normal activities after 2 days although many take a week off from work.

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