Summer Vegetables To Know, From Ourharvest

By Kevin Santoro

When the warmer times of the year set in, it's important to know what's in season and what isn't. This is where discussion about summer vegetables can come into play, and to say that these crops matter would be an understatement. However, what exactly does this collection of crops entail, you may wonder? For those who like to shop at farmers markets, here are some summer veggies that OurHarvest can recommend.

Corn - To start off this list of summer vegetables, corn is one that possesses very few calories. As a matter of fact, this is the main reason why you shouldn't feel guilty treating an ear of corn with light butter or seasoning, especially when it's fresh off of the grill. Preparing corn in the right way matters, as companies such as OurHarvest will attest. Of course, there are other summertime veggies that your local New York farmers market will recommend.

Green Beans - Even though green beans might seem basic on the surface, the ways that they can be used are nothing short of versatile. Green beans are known for their various vitamins, but you can use them in several ways. They are often used in casserole form, especially during Thanksgiving, but this doesn't mean that you can't implement other methods. By doing so, you can make your green beans one of a kind.

Eggplant - Another summertime veggie that you can get quite a bit out of is eggplant. While the vegetable in question is brimming with fiber, you should know that it can be cooked in different ways, too. As a matter of fact, it's quite popular in Italian households, through the creation of eggplant parmigiana. If this is something that's up your alley, you'll be happy to know that eggplant can bring wonderful tastes to the table.

Zucchini - In terms of nutrition and versatility alike, zucchini is nothing short of worthwhile. Zucchini possesses ample vitamins and potassium alike, but this doesn't mean that it can't be used in various ways. As a matter of fact, it's entirely possible that you can bake bread with this, resulting in a unique taste that will be nothing short of savory. As a matter of fact, these are just a few reasons why people pick up zucchini when it's in season.

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