Lose Belly Fat, Get Ripped Abs, and Be Flexible!

Did you know that a good program for stretching your muscles will help you to lose fat. I spent more than a year working 12 to 16 hours per day and it made all of my muscles get tight and cramped. I did not spend the time I should have to get and keep my body in condition. The most important thing that I stopped doing was my daily stretching. I have now left my business at the mall and more importantly I have started to get my body back into shape again.

The first thing that I have done is to begin stretching out my muscles again. Proper stretching has many benefits If stretch this it will really help you to feel better, gain muscle faster and to lose weight more quickly as well. If you stretch properly you gain gain muscle mass up to 70 percent faster. Proper stretching will also help to relieve lower back pain and improve posture. There is also some thinking that it may help with osteoporosis. Proper stretching can help to relieve many pains in your body.

One stretch that I like to do as I can do it at work in my desk or at home watching TV is to sit on the edge of my chair and lean forward holding your leg straight out on the floor and your foot at a 90 degree angle to your leg. From this position gently lean forward, you should feel a gentle pull up you leg and into your back. Hod this position for maybe 10 seconds to start and then stretch your other leg the same way. If you do this several times per day you will begin to notice a lot less stress, and a lot less pain in your lower back.

A great way to stretch your neck muscles is to sit in your chair, back straight now simply turn your head to the right as far as you can and hold, then turn your head to the left and hold. Repeat this a few times. This should help with long periods at your computer.

A good one for working your abs and buttocks is to sit in a chair and tighten your buttocks hold this for 5 to 10 seconds, now pull in your stomach and hold that for 5 to 10 seconds. Alternate between the two for 5 or 6 times. This stretch will really work your ab muscles and help to relax you as well.

There are many more stretches that you can find, these are just a few simple ways to get started from your desk or while watching TV in the evening. If you begin a regular stretching routine as I have done again you will find your belly fat melting away and an ripped set of abs coming out from underneath.

If you would like a lot more methods to assist you in your goal for a great new body come see our website at www.fitnessdietplan.net
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Larry_Plumlee/253845

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